The Grizzlies

Finn Hurley of Green Island – buy

The day was meant to be one of celebration for the Zingari Richmond side as veteran loose forward Chris Bell brought up his 300th Premier match for the Montecillo based side. However, it was Green Island fullback Finn Hurley who ran show, showing all his skills to ensure his Grizzlies side banked a 34 to 21 win.

Premier Results:
Green Island defeated Zingari Richmond – 34 to 21 (Halftime: 15-7)
Southern defeated Alhambra Union – 81 to 7 (Halftime: 29-0)
Harbour defeated University – 15 to 13 (Halftime 10-10)
Dunedin defeated Kaikorai 23 to 10 (Halftime: 10-10)

Flavius Roberts-Vili of Zingari Richmond – buy
Willie Time of Zingari Richmond – buy
Dan Smart of Green Island – buy
Tofa Solia of Zingari Richmond – buy

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